First thing's first - my Father-in-law was kind enough to come over in mid-December to prime the walls because, as I mentioned, they were teal and mocha and that shit was dark. I had taken the week off between Christmas and the New Year and so I decided that this would be my window of opportunity. My husband also took this time off to ensure that I did not paint without his careful supervision. I also had to let him paint. Ugh.
I had a vision in my head of exactly what I wanted the room to look like and set off to Home Depot to find the perfect colors for said vision. I have to say, I am REALLY good at picking out paint colors. No, like, really good. The walls were already primed, but I went for a paint/primer in one because you can't overkill it on primer, right? My paint of choice was Valspar and the colors were Snowcap (white, obvi), Sprinkle (mint), and City Storm (gray). The white and gray were going to be thick stripes on the wall the crib was going on, the mint was going to be the solid walls next to the striped wall, and then the wall opposite the stripes would be a solid gray.
So I set off to work. Imagine me just painting away, day after day. I don't have pictures in-process because I was busy painting and when I wasn't painting I was supervising my husband to make sure he didn't mess up while painting. I got to paint the trim of the whole room because I'm better at coloring inside the lines. He got to roll on the paint, very carefully, inside the trim. My logic was to start from lightest paint and go to darkest because it'd be easier to cover up the light paint with the darker paint if I messed up edging. This worked well for me. I painted the striped wall white first, then the two mint walls, then the gray. Eventually i was ready to start the stripes. This was especially fun because the wall the stripes were going on was vaulted...yayyyyy. I hope you can note my sarcasm through my writing. I ended up taking the height from the bottom of the wall to the lowest point of the top of the wall and then divided that equally to get the width of the stripes. I then applied that to the vaulted portion of the wall, noticing that our vent was crooked and thus made the stripes seem crooked as well. Fun. Now, to paint the stripes, you have to lay your tape very carefully, paint over the tape with the base color to make a seal, and then paint your stripe color over that. When you pull the tape away, you should have nice crisp lines. It works - it's just a pain in the ass. It involves pencils, levels, and way too much painting.
Once the damn stripes were complete, I got to stand back and admire my handiwork. We could then get the carpet laid and the furniture put in!
I got Mady's name from a seller on Etsy that I found while browsing. I picked this shop for the quick turnaround and because I liked the font. Hubs didn't want anything too "fancy" and "swoopy." Her shop is here if you're interested. No affiliation, just happy with the result. I painted it using the same Valspar Sprinkle paint and a foam brush. The furniture is from Target - it's the Simmons Monterey in Rustic Gray. I love the furniture - but it was a bitch to get. Our parents went in together and bought the bedroom set and they got the dresser, but the crib was on backorder. Then the order was cancelled because it was out of stock and they didn't know if it was going to be restocked. So we had a dresser, but no crib. Then the crib came back in stock and was delivered like a day after the dresser. It was an emotional roller coaster. The cart is a room essentials cart from Target as well.
Our chair was a shower gift from hub's aunts and cousins and my god is it comfortable. It's like sitting on a cloud. Unfortunately, it was from babies r us and that shop has sailed. I do believe that you can find a similar style though - it's the Best Chairs Charlotte in Dove. You can also peep that Dekor Diaper Pail which I am loving so far.
The cloud shelf is also from Target. I hope you're sensing a theme, here. It's their Pillowfort kids brand and it's adorable. The letter board was an Amazon find, though they're everywhere these days.
Last but not least, we have my favorite part - the closet. I bet you can't guess where the shelf is from. If you guess'd be correct. All of the bins, also. I may have a Target addiction? I'll seek help later. The closet dividers I made because I could not find any that would fit the diameter of our closet bar. It's built in and it's obnoxiously large. There are hangers that don't fit on it. So I found these gray/white blank dividers on Amazon that are a nice thick plastic and I cut out size decals in permanent vinyl using my cricut. Then I picked up this adorable mint and white polka dot ribbon (with glitter!) from Michaels and tied some cute bows. They slide easily and look freaking perfect.
So that's our nursery. I'll make another post soon about some of the items that I'm loving so far. I think this is mine and my husband's favorite room in our house now. And that's saying a lot because we have a finished basement with a 3-TV set up.
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