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Previously on: This Pregnancy

As I mentioned in my last post, life got ahold of me in the late fall. I blinked in November and all of a sudden it was February and I was approaching my last month of pregnancy.  Now, let me tell you...I preached throughout my entire pregnancy that I was pretty lucky.  I didn't have any morning sickness or any real food aversions; just a relatively easy time overall.  I heard people say that the last month of pregnancy feels like 4 years and I laughed at them because the first 8 months felt like it flew by!  Then I hit about the 35 week mark and shit went to hell.

Time suddenly stopped.  Literally, it stopped moving. I'm pretty sure Zack Morris called a Time-Out somewhere and I didn't get the memo.  

My back started hurting like no other from sitting in an uncomfortable desk chair all day.  My feet and ankles started swelling.  I got winded walking down the hall...ok, so this one isn't exactly a far departure from my normal day-to-day.  Seriously, I'm way out of shape.  Back to this pregnancy: days felt like two years.  I experienced the worst pain I'd ever felt in my pelvis and every time I brought it up to my OB I got the "yep - those are regular pregnancy pains! Enjoy!"  I would then silently curse them the rest of the visit.  On top of all of that, my OB had a trip to India planned for 9 days and my due date was smack-dab in the center of his trip.  Cool. 

It's ok though - I had a baby that was content helping me pack on the pounds by way of constant cravings for cake, cookies, brownies, and ice cream.  She had made a nice, cozy home and enjoyed spending her days kicking me in the ribs, punching me in the pelvis, and overall just riding out her sugar highs by making me as uncomfortable as possible.  She was not keen on leaving any time soon, or at all if she had her choice, I think.  

Since my doctor was planning on being MIA for my due date, which was March 22nd, his original plan was to induce me on the 12th so he could delivery this kid before he left.  So I went into his office on the 8th to check things out...and I was at a zero.  A zero.  Not dilated, not effaced, cervix way up there.  He said that even if he tried to induce me, it would likely fail.  Ok, new plan.  Come back next Thursday - maybe we can induce then.  So I had mentally prepared myself to have a baby 2 weeks early.  Now I have no idea what's going on.  He's supposed to be leaving on the 18th.  Guess maybe I'll have a baby on the 15th?

Fast foward a week.  Back in the doctor's office.  Wanna know how much I'd progressed? NOT AT ALL.  Zero's across the board again.  Can't induce - it would fail.  So now my doctor is leaving in 3 days to go to India.  Not Indiana.  India.  The country across the world.  Not exactly a short drive over if I go into labor while he's gone.  So he refers me to his back up OB in case this baby decides to make her appearance before the 26th when he gets back.  On my way out we schedule an induction for the 28th in case baby stays put. 

I would like to take this time to mention that while all of this is happening (or not happening) with my cervix, my husband is making a run for a state title his first year at a new school.  Every game I go to, I have parents telling me that I have to keep this baby in there until they win the whole thing.  Sure thing, I mean I obviously hold all of the control here - no problem!  

So I went from accepting that I was going to have my baby 2 weeks early, to crossing my fingers, toes, and legs to keep her in a week past her actual due date.  Pregnancy is a wild ride.  

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