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Shit just got real...

I thought that the two week wait between when you can get pregnant and when you can take the test would feel like forever.  That's no match to how long it feels waiting the minutes after you pee on a stick to see what it's going to say.  It's amazing how much anxiety one little stick can give you.  What if it says no?  What if it says yes?!

I took my first pregnancy test ever in my life the day before I was to start my next period.  I bought two different kinds because, of course I did.  I read the instructions thoroughly and made sure that I had a full bladder.  You're basically supposed to pee and then wait the full three minutes before looking at the results to get an accurate reading.  So I did my business, set a timer, and went to walk outside.  Before I went outside I stole a glance at the test sitting on the vanity and I very clearly saw two lines.  Two lines.  I walked outside and tried to tell myself that two lines show up automatically and that one of them is going to go away.  There's no way I could be pregnant after the first try.  That's how these things work - the two lines are there and then after three minutes either one of them disappears (which is what was going to happen for me) or they both stay.  The timer on my phone went off, signaling that my three minutes was up and that I could go back inside and read my results. I didn't want to go back in.  I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I'm 31 and that this was planned...and I walked back inside.  The two lines were still there.  So of course I did what any rational person did - I took a different test.  Guess what?  That one said pregnant too.  This was it.

Shit just got real.

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